Thursday, 21 July 2011

Sheep Hill

About four times a year, The hardy Shetland sheep (around 400) which live on the North of the island gets rounded up for clipping, their annual shots and to take the lambs of the hill for the winter. The Sheep are a communal flock which means every croft on the island has there fair share (which they have at least 20 sheep each). This is a big island event and all visitors are quite often encouraged to join in and give them a helping hand. The islanders round them up twice in the summer so they can get the majority of the sheep. With them being shetland sheep, they are very use to the terrain and they know the enviroment very well to a point they do run down the cliffs on to the beachs below....They know people wont follow them as it is too dangerous for us.
Being rounded up though Skua Territories

Being pushed in to the sheep cru

Finally, they are caught!

They are held in the cru so they can be released together

We dont use electric shavers to clip the sheep

Keeping Watch

We use a cross between sheers/scissors

A Ram waiting to be clipped

waiting to be released

We then take them to a nearby field 

So that ewes and lambs can find each other again.
(they are then released early next morning)

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