Monday, 23 May 2011

A quick update!!

Hey, Sorry this blog has not been updated in a while. We have been quite busy here at the obs, The weather has an autumn feel to it again of which at the moment we are in stormy conditions with winds reaching up to 60 mile per hour. Has our summer been and gone already?

Birding has been good with a Icterine warbler caught in the traps this morning along with a Spotted Flycatcher. Other birds of note included fantastic views of a Short Toed Lark at the Air Strip. Quail, Crossbill and the resident male Subalpine warbler have been showing nicely in the obs plantation, An Iceland Gull in pristine condition was found amongst the herring gulls at the south of the island where a Canada Goose has took up residence.
Canada Goose
(A Fair isle rarity with no more then 25 records seen on the island)
Both Arctic and Great Skua's have started to lay claim to there territories so when venturing out on to the moorland, it can be quite entertaining even if you do come back with a skua imprint on the side of your face.
Arctic Skua
This individual has taken over the territory by Double Dyke and the Gully

Great Skua
The majority of them are in the process if egg laying at the moment

Other  News.

I fancied a challenge so I have started making a genuine Fair isle hat on four needles to be Bartered (sold) for when the Tall ships come in July. Hopefully, it will be ready in time. Gillian (our domestic volunteer) has been mine and Carrie's saviour with any mistakes been made, she has always come to the rescue, Unfortunatly, Gillian leaves on Friday so we trying to get as much done before she heads south.
Skaddan Lambs
(looking forward to using there wool)
My new lens has arrived for my camera  after visiting Poland (two cities), Germany (two cities) and several places in the UK. No wonder why it took 3 weeks to get here! It looks like it going to get some getting use to has its a 500mm lens and its all manual focus. Hopefully, it will be worth it has I will be taking some excellent photo's with it.

A very tired female hunted around the observatory one evening

1 comment:

  1. Hey Becki!

    Just found your blog, its cracking! Look forward to your next update and whats happening on the magical island! Fingers crossed i'll be coming up to visit later in the season!

    Keep up the good work and hope all is well!

