Tuesday, 3 May 2011

Subalpine Warbler - Nice bird to get up for!

Today was the start of the rota where I could offically have my two days off. I knew I had a sleep in on order so that is what I planned to do before I got a knock on the door to say Jason has a Subalpine Warbler down at Lower Stoney Breck. I grabbed my Bins still blurry eyed, we drove down to the croft in the hope of it being a male has I have only ever seen females. As we joined the others the bird had disappeared but was soon relocated in Vaila's Trees by the shop. We watched it for several minutes before it had flew back its original location. With the bird being a female we could not race it, we left it alone as sunday lunch was being saved for us, If we was any later, it would of gone to the Burkle pigs!!
The Subalpine Warbler Twitch
The afternoon saw a very confiding Grasshopper Warbler in the Obs Plantation, We had extremely close views has it just fed just a few feet away. Where else in the UK can you get excellent views from a hard to see species. Most people just hear it reeling from somewhere in a reed bed and may get a brief glimpse as it dives back down amongst the vegetation.
Grasshopper Warbler
To continue on from the Easter Dance, Angela (Barkland) organised  Afternoon Cream Tea's at the hall.Scones with fresh cream was amongst the many delicous homebakes (Angela's creations) that was enjoyed by all. My luck continued as I my won my second ever raffle prize - 3 bars of good quality Fairtrade dark chocolate.....yum!

The wonderful Easter Weekend managed to rasie over £400, this will go towards the Tall Ships event being held here in July...cant wait!!

A BIG THANKYOU to Angela for organising a brilliant weekend.

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